Combining AI and cybersecurity: strategies for a safer, more resilient industry
Like all technological breakthroughs, the deployment of AI in industry generates added value and opportunities for both cyber defenders and cyber attackers. It is therefore worth identifying and analysing the use that each of us could make of it in order to take the necessary protective measures to reduce the risk of a cyber incident.
While AI is being used to make everyday life easier, it does raise a number of questions in terms of security, and has been criticised for protecting privacy.
Is AI really the new essential tool for cybersecurity, with its multiple opportunities, or are the risks run by this new technology, for which we have no hindsight, too high?
AI is an effective tool for more effective cybersecurity, particularly with regard to the cyberdefence of organisations, both from an organisational point of view, for allocating resources or protecting data, and for more specific methods such as incident response or cyberthreat management.
How is AI used to identify and analyse attacks? And, at the same time, how are attackers appropriating it to be ever more threatening?
A one-hour round table discussion during which the speakers will share their approaches and experiences before taking questions from the audience.