Industrialize management to increase customer value


Industrial production has been totally revolutionized in the last 100 years. Program management, on the other hand, has hardly evolved at all, and is still based on concepts defined in the middle of the 20th century. Over the same period, the workload (in man-days) devoted to projects has increased 5-fold compared to production. Faced with the challenge of remaining competitive in an increasingly demanding and fast-moving market, it is vital to reduce industrialization times for new products. We interviewed players from industry (project managers, program directors, CEOs, innovation project managers, sales directors, etc.) and consulting (managers, partners) to share this observation, identify the reasons and assess the impact and consequences in the short to medium term. These invaluable exchanges, combined with an analysis of new organizational and management models, and of course the advances made by AI in this field, enabled us to propose new solutions combining organization, methodology and digital tools.

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