The Upper Rhine Mobile Robotic Challenge


Tame your robot!A fun, unifying event that highlights student know-how

The Upper Rhine Robotic Mobile Challenge is a mobile robotics challenge based around a central stage where mobile robots evolve according to predefined specifications. 

 The aim of the competition is to program the robots so that they can operate safely in an unfamiliar environment. 

 The proposed urban environment includes intersections, curves, parking areas and a tunnel, all of which help to define the different missions to be carried out. Translated with (free version)

The competition in detail The increasingly complex missions on offer are :

  • Track following 
  • Obstacle avoidance 
  • Tunnel entry and exit 
  • Parking maneuver 
  • Combination of the 4 previous missions 

Teams will have access to a simulation environment (digital twin) comprising : 

  •  An example of a track layout 
  • Robot simulation model 
  • Mission examples 

 This simulation environment enables teams to prepare and develop their various solutions. During the show, a Turtlebot3 burger-type mobile robot will be made available to each team.

A challenge supported by ENSISA, IUT Mulhouse and IRIMAS

The Upper Rhine Mobile Robotic Challenge is organized with the support of ENSISA, IUT Mulhouse and IRIMAS as part of the INTERREG RobotHub Academie project.