Can you present your company in a few words?
Created in 2019, thanks in particular to the support of the Grand Est regional council, Armtek employs 15 people. My professional career can be summed up by the search for solutions to deal with complexity. In this spirit, Armtek's vocation is to give companies the operational agility they need to maintain their level of excellence in the particularly complex context we all face today.
The word "transition" is constantly used to describe the economic context. How do you read it?
The new industrial era that is taking shape has three major characteristics, in our opinion: volatility of the workforce, technological complexity and economic upheaval. To detail them in turn, the rate of staff turnover has increased by 50-70% compared to the pre-Covid era, according to the concordant conclusions of various studies, and this problem is compounded by the fact that it takes 20% longer than before to replace departing staff. In addition, cutting-edge technologies are disrupting entire sectors, in terms of automation and decarbonisation. As for the economic upheavals as they are occurring today, they began with the Covid shock, but everyone can see that they are not stopping, as shown by the shortage of raw materials. The health crisis was not a one-off event. Each of these phenomena cannot be understood on its own; a global approach to upheaval is required in companies in general and in industry in particular, based on the conviction that the 4.0 revolution will be human before it is technological. The key issue for them is to build an organisation that is as horizontal and as un-partitioned as possible, which can thus optimise access to knowledge content and the sharing of knowledge on a large scale.
What solutions do you propose to meet these challenges?
We have developed a digital solution for professionals that is similar to the Tiktok network for the general public. In the sense that it is designed to give a user instant access to the information they are interested in, when they need it. It is an operational management tool, driven by artificial intelligence, allowing content to be shared in real time, for rapid reaction and to increase the skills of employees. To find out more, we invite companies to get in touch with us, especially as we do not deploy a ready-made recipe. We start from the questions of our clients and try to provide them with a global and tailor-made response.
What are you presenting at the BE 4.0 industries of the future trade fair in Mulhouse?
For this first participation as an exhibitor, we will be presenting our approach and our solutions at a conference that we will be hosting. It will focus on the theme: how can industry adapt to the transitions, in this case those described above. We will also present the fruits of our research and development work. Indeed, we develop this axis, different from a commercial approach, by meeting as many actors as possible. To this end, we will be conducting a "tour of industry in the Grand Est" at the beginning of 2023, which we hope will be well received by those concerned.