The 8 th edition of BE 5.0 Industries of the Future gets to grips with the skills issue and welcomes two student challenges

 Taking place on November 26 and 27, the BE 5.0 Industries du Futur trade show, a key annual event for industrial innovation in the Grand Est and cross-border regions, is making skills and lifelong learning one of the main themes of its 8th edition. The aim is to support recruitment and contribute to the development of collaborations between industry and training players. Around twenty skill providers and a hundred students and graduates are expected to attend. 

 Two highlights will put students in the spotlight: 
- The Upper Rhine Mobile Robotic Challenge is a mobile robotics challenge organized as part of the INTERREG RobotHub Academie project, with the support of ENSISA, IUT Mulhouse and IRIMAS. It comprises a central platform representing an urban environment on which mobile robots of the Turtlebot3 burger type will evolve in complete autonomy and safety. The aim of the competition is to program the robots to carry out different maneuvers: straight or curved lane following, parking, tunnel driving, obstacle avoidance. Teams have access to a digital twin to carry out the necessary simulations during their preparation. The challenge takes place over the two days of the show. The results will be announced at the prize-giving ceremony starting at 3.30pm on Wednesday November 27, and the winning team will receive tickets to a major theme park. Teams from the region's Bachelor's and Master's programs will be taking part in this first edition: ENSISA, IUT Mulhouse, UHA 4.0, INSA Strasbourg, IUT Haguenau, Telecom-Physique Strasbourg, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences.

- The Capture The Flag challenge takes place during the night of 26/11 to 27/11. Modelled on the CTF organized by Reims (HS'R de Reims) and with the support of its organizers, 15 to 30 teams of 3 students (and even high school students) will attempt to foil a security system. These teams compete to solve computer security riddles and problems. The students are accompanied by professionals from the cyber sector. The prize-giving ceremony will take place on 27/11 between 9:30 and 10:30 am. This hacking competition is supported by Mulhouse Alsace AgglomĂ©ration, as part of the territorial clusters project within the future Campus Cyber RĂ©gional. Registration link: 

 On the exhibitor side 

Most of the skills providers present at 2023 are returning. For example, Alsace tech, an association of 14 grandes Ă©coles in Alsace, is bringing together several of the Grand Est's engineering schools on its stand: CESI, EM Strasbourg, Ensisa, Telecom Physique Strasbourg, ICAM Strasbourg Europe and INSA Strasbourg. It will be hosting a demo area featuring virtual reality projects, a 5.0 platform, a digital textile embroidery machine, a mechanical machining robot, an IDEX 3D printer for the production of bi-material composite parts, a 3D printer for textile functionalization, conversational robots and more. Visitors will be able to interact with 2 conversational robots from the TĂ©lĂ©com Physique Strasbourg engineering school, and interact via virtual reality with ICAM's 5.0 production line. In addition, each school will be presenting the specializations it offers in response to the recruitment needs expressed by industry. ) 
New skills providers have also announced their participation. The UniversitĂ© de Franche-ComtĂ©, for example, will be presenting its continuing education and work-study services in fields such as industry, IT, hydrogen and energy at SeFoC'Al. The University of Strasbourg and its SFC 2 (Continuing Education Service) unveils its offers in the fields of industry (LEAN management 4.0, Automatisme et Informatique industrielle 4.0, rĂ©fĂ©rent amĂ©lioration continue, etc.) and IT (data analysis, data science, deep learning, etc.). The IUT de Nord Franche-ComtĂ© will be highlighting its BUTs in electrical engineering and industrial IT, physical measurements, civil engineering, etc., and a range of professional licenses. 

Several conferences to follow 
Several schools will be holding conferences. For example, CESI will be holding a conference on cybersecurity management on 26/11 at 3pm. The member schools of the Alsace tech association will be debating the theme of AI: advance your projects with the High School on November 26 at 2pm. INSA Strasbourg discusses AI and predictive maintenance of Li-Ion batteries on November 26 at 10:30 am. 

“A growing number of initiatives are being taken in the Grand Est region to respond to recruitment tensions in industry and anticipate the needs of the sectors of the future. The region is a major provider of initial and continuing training opportunities, particularly in the fields of engineering and digital technology. BE 5.0 Industries du Futur is an ideal opportunity for skills supply and demand to meet. What's more, this year, students will be in the spotlight with the finals of two challenges and the opportunity to meet some of the region's most innovative companies”, explains Laurent Grain, General Manager of the Parc Expo de Mulhouse. 
Further information at Linkedin: BE 5.0 Salon Industries du Futur (Mulhouse, Grand Est, France)