Interview with Nicolas Jérôme, Marketing Manager at Bossard France.

Bossard, France
What are Bossard's activities? 
The family-owned, Swiss-based group operates in the field of industrial fasteners and assembly techniques, supplying products and services. With a presence in 33 countries and a workforce of around 3,000, it is recognized as one of the world's leading players in its field. We offer more than a million items, from small basics (screws, washers, bolts) to complete, complex assemblies, as well as associated engineering services.

What is the role of the French subsidiary within this group? 
Bossard France is based in Souffelweyersheim, north of Strasbourg, and employs nearly 200 people, half of whom work directly at the French head office. This makes us one of the Group's largest foreign subsidiaries. We stock the products manufactured in Switzerland, as well as all upstream and downstream functions, from engineering to sales. Souffelweyerheim is also home to a test and inspection laboratory for strength, chemical behavior and other tests. We are supply chain specialists for a wide range of industrial sectors, with robotics as our main focus, automotive, medical, rail and aerospace. The most important point of evolution concerns the support of digitalization within the company: today, all processes are digitalized, and we are perfectly positioned to be part of this fundamental movement. 

 Why are you exhibiting at Be 5.0 - Industries of the Future? 
 In addition to Global Industrie and JEC World in Paris, we were looking for an event that would be geographically closer to our French and international bases. This show is also close to our expectations: it fits in well with our targets, as we noted in the profile of visitors to our stand last year, where we returned to exhibit, after having done so at the very first edition. We recorded good results in 2022.

What solutions will you be showcasing at this year's event? 
 We'll be highlighting two services. Firstly, Smart Factory Logictics, a supply optimization solution based on a weight sensor on the bins and an automatic demand recognition system: when the operator picks a fastener, automatic detection is triggered to transmit information to the logistics department, using a combination of radio frequency and an external network, to replenish the stock and ensure that the bin is filled, with a view to direct delivery to the point of use. 

We'll also be focusing on Smart Factory Assembly. This is an assembly digitization solution that provides operators with a wide range of support: choice of the right product to assemble at the right time, traceability of any forgotten part, assistance in reaching the right gesture, for example to stop at exactly the right torque. This service reduces training time without detracting from its quality, and helps reduce the tediousness of tasks. 

 Interview by Mathieu Noyer, editor-in-chief of Traces Ecrites News, the business information website for the Grand Est and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté regions (